Aesthetic Dermatology


Upper Face Botox

This procedure is applied to prevent the formation of wrinkles and lines between the eyebrows, on the forehead, and around the eyes. If wrinkles or lines are present even when you’re not making facial expressions, combining the procedure with fillers may be necessary. Your doctor will provide you with information on this. There are certain things to be mindful of during the 5-7 days following the procedure, and your treating physician will inform you about these. The average duration of the effects of the procedure is around 4-6 months. I recommend to my patients not to exceed 5 months between sessions. Especially in first-time patients, headaches can occur for the first week to 10 days after the initial sessions.

Nasal Tip Lift

Botox is not only used for reducing wrinkles caused by facial expressions. It can also be used for nasal tip lift in cases where the tip of the nose droops during laughing or speaking.

Masseter Botox

Particularly in cases of nighttime teeth grinding, the condition can manifest itself during the day with severe jaw and temple pain. In addition, the logic of muscle enlargement, similar to when exercising, can lead to the masseter muscle becoming hypertrophic, causing the jaw corners to bulge outward. Botulinum toxin is used by doctors in the treatment of this condition. After the procedure, there may be a slight sensation of weakness in the jaw, especially when eating an apple, chewing gum, or consuming undercooked meat, during the approximately 2-week period following the procedure.

Lip Lift

In patients with thin lips, reducing the contraction strength of the muscle that “tightens” the lip around the mouth through Botox can result in a slight upward enlargement or lifting, especially in the upper lip. This procedure can be applied in conjunction with lip fillers when necessary.

Smoker's (Barcode) Lines

Thin upper lips, dry and thin skin, smokers, and patients with scleroderma can develop fine lines and wrinkles that are vertically located around both lips, especially on the upper lip. Botox injections can be used for the treatment of this condition. In some cases, it can also be combined with filler injections as needed.

Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) Botox

Excessive sweating can significantly impact one’s social life. There are various treatment options available for this condition (see: Medical Dermatology – Sweating), and one of them is botulinum toxin injections. It can be applied to the scalp, palms, underarms, and soles of the feet. The effects typically last around 4-6 months.

Hair Loss Botox

Recently, botulinum toxin injections applied to the scalp have been observed to have therapeutic effects on conditions like male pattern hair loss. It can be used in combination with other treatment modalities.

Chin Botox

It is applied to reduce the appearance of an “orange peel” texture on the chin.

Neck Lift and Jawline Contouring Botox

Botulinum toxin is used for the treatment of vertical bands on the neck and for enhancing the definition of the jawline (Nefertiti Botox).


Forehead Filler

Forehead filler is a procedure I mainly perform on female patients. In women, the forehead should have a convex appearance in a side view. When there is a horizontal depression in the lower 1/3 of the forehead, it can give women a more masculine appearance. This area can be treated with filler. Typically, a cannula is used for this procedure.

Temporal Filler

The temples are areas that often experience significant volume loss and are frequently overlooked. What happens if the lost volume in the temple area is restored with filler? Not only does the facial appearance return to its natural state, but filling this area also lifts the lower regions, leading to improvements in the eye area, under-eye region, nasolabial folds (lines that extend from the corners of the nose), and marionette lines (lines that extend downward from the corners of the mouth).

Under-Eye Filler

Hyaluronic acid-based fillers are typically used for the under-eye area. The primary goal of this procedure is to address the tear trough, the hollow area under the eyes. When this hollow is corrected with filler, it reduces shadowing, resulting in a lightening of the color tone in the area. The extent of this effect may vary from patient to patient. The procedure can be administered with a needle or a cannula.

Cheek Filler

The cheek area is one of the key determinants of facial contours and provides essential support to lift the face. When there is bone loss or volume depletion in this area, the cheeks may sag, leading to the formation of nasolabial and marionette lines, the severity of which depends on the degree of sagging. Various types of fillers can be used in the cheek area, including hyaluronic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, and vegan fillers with a polysaccharide structure.

Midface Filler

The midface refers to the area between the cheekbones and the nose, and it is one of the primary areas where volume loss occurs. Volume loss in this area can make people appear more tired. Fillers can be used to restore lost volume in this region. It’s important to note that the midface contains significant nerve and vascular structures, so a deep understanding of anatomy and careful application are crucial.

Nose Filler

Nose filler procedures typically involve the use of hyaluronic acid-based fillers. This procedure can correct a “bump” deformity on the nose, as well as lift the nasal tip, address tissue deficiencies and asymmetries resulting from trauma or surgery. The duration of the results may vary from person to person but generally lasts around 1 year. It’s important to avoid applying pressure to the treated area for the first week after the procedure.

Nasolabial Filler

Nasolabial lines are the lines that extend from the corners of the nose downward, and in more advanced cases, they can appear as deep creases. Several factors contribute to their formation, with the most important ones being the loss of both bony and fat tissue volume in the midface and the effects of gravity. Hyaluronic acid-based fillers can be used to improve this area, but fillers containing poly lactic acid, calcium hydroxyapatite, or vegan fillers made from polysaccharides can also be used. In the treatment, thread lifting procedures can also be performed (see: thread lifting procedure).

Marionette Filler

The marionette area refers to the lines, wrinkles, or more advanced cases of depressions extending downward from the corners of the mouth. The mechanism of their formation includes a decrease in the support power of the higher tissues, resulting in sagging due to gravity. Similar filler treatments with the same content as those used for the nasolabial area can be applied in its treatment. Threads can also be used for the treatment of this area, just like in the nasolabial area.

Lip Filler

The lips are one of the most prominent and highly prioritized areas on the face. Hyaluronic acid-based fillers are commonly used for lip augmentation. Lip procedures are generally more painful, so I administer anesthesia before the treatment. Because it’s a dynamic area with more blood flow, the longevity of lip fillers is relatively shorter compared to other areas (around 8 months on average). Lip fillers can be used to enhance lip contour, increase lip thickness and volume, and correct asymmetries.

Chin Filler

Chin filler is a procedure done to enhance the chin area. It can serve several purposes, such as increasing chin projection downwards or forwards in a profile view, and correcting asymmetries resulting from trauma or surgery.

Jawline Filler

Jawline filler is a procedure done to enhance and define the jawline, including the jaw corners. It can be performed using either a needle or a cannula.

Hand Filler

In some cases, the skin on the back of the hands can become thin and wrinkled due to a lack of subcutaneous fat tissue. Hand fillers can be used to address these issues by injecting filler into the appropriate layer of the hand using a cannula. Hyaluronic acid-based products are often used, but calcium hydroxylapatite-based fillers can also be an option.

Vegan Filler

Vegan Filler

A filler that contains a polysaccharide (sugar-like structure) derived from red algae. It is used for volume enhancement in areas such as the chin, jawline, cheeks, and temples. The duration of its effects is approximately 1.5 years. Results are visible immediately after the procedure. Following the procedure, the patient should avoid heat and pressure for one week.

Crystal Fillers

Crystal Fillers

Fillers that contain calcium hydroxylapatite. This substance stimulates collagen synthesis by fibroblast cells in the dermis layer of the skin. Therefore, crystal fillers can be used for both volumization and skin tightening due to their ability to encourage natural collagen production. While not suitable for the under-eye and lip areas, they have significant skin-tightening effects on the neck and the back of the hands.

Dermal Rejuvenation and Anti-Aging Treatments

Stem Cell Therapies

Stem cell treatments encompass various procedures, and this text provides information on the most commonly used methods within this category.

  1. Fibroblast Cultures: In this procedure, a small piece of skin (approximately 3-4 mm) and blood are collected from areas of the patient’s body with minimal sun exposure, such as behind the ear or the bikini line. The collected material is then sent to a laboratory for culturing the fibroblast cells within the tissue. Fibroblasts cultured in the laboratory are shipped to the clinic every month for three months and applied to the patient’s skin. This treatment can be used on areas such as the face, neck, décolleté, the back of the hands, and the inner arms. Since fibroblast cells are primarily responsible for collagen synthesis, skin improvements, including skin lightening, increased radiance, tightness, a more hydrated appearance, and a reduction in fine lines, can be observed around the second month. I recommend repeating the procedure every three years.

  2. Stromal Vascular Fraction (SVF): In this method, areas such as under the chin or the abdomen are initially numbed with anesthesia. Fat tissue is collected from these areas using cannulas. The collected fat tissue is then processed through enzymatic or mechanical procedures to isolate the stem cells within the tissue. These isolated stem cells are subsequently injected into the patient’s desired area. SVF can be used for skin rejuvenation and also in cases like burn scars, surgical scars, hair loss, and both pre and post-hair transplant procedures.

  3. Umbilical Cord Blood: In some cases, mesenchymal stem cells are extracted from umbilical cord blood, specifically from the placental cord. This material is processed and prepared for application in the target area for treatment.

Youth injection

Thanks to the hyaluronic acid it contains, it retains water in the skin and provides moisture to the skin. This makes the skin appear brighter, more moist, and firmer. The procedure should be repeated at intervals determined by the doctor.

NCTF 135 Paris Glow

This product contains hyaluronic acid as well as several amino acids, minerals, and vitamins. It rejuvenates the skin. It can be used for the treatment of fine lines and to moisturize the skin, providing a brighter and more vibrant appearance.

Collagen Shot (Neauvia Hydro Deluxe)

It contains high levels of hyaluronic acid and calcium hydroxyapatite. Thanks to hyaluronic acid, the skin becomes more hydrated and radiant two weeks after the procedure, and starting from the second month, calcium hydroxyapatite stimulates collagen production from fibroblasts, resulting in increased skin tightness, smoothness, and improvement in fine wrinkles. It’s beneficial to undergo this procedure twice with a 2-3 week interval. The treatment can be repeated after 6 months. It can be applied not only on the face but also on the neck, décolleté, the back of the hands, and the inner arms.

Salmon DNA

It is polynucleotide in structure and provides moisture to the skin, reduces fine wrinkles, and lightens the skin tone. The application technique is similar to mesotherapy. It yields better results when applied in 2-4 sessions with 2-3 week intervals. Afterward, it is beneficial to continue with reminder sessions at specific intervals, depending on the condition of the patient’s skin.

Face, Hand, and Neck PRP

PRP stands for platelet-rich plasma, and the material used in this treatment is obtained entirely from the patient’s blood, so there are no foreign substances in the product. Before the procedure, 1-3 tubes of blood are drawn from the patient depending on the treatment area, and it is centrifuged at a specific speed and duration in a device called a centrifuge. Afterward, the separated serum rich in platelets is drawn into a syringe and injected into the skin. It can be applied to the face as well as the neck, décolleté, the back of the hands, and the inner arms. It is recommended to have 2-4 sessions at 2-3 week intervals, and afterward, maintenance sessions at specific intervals according to the skin’s needs are beneficial. PRP can be used to even out skin tone, reduce fine wrinkles, and also for non-healing wounds. The hair application is explained within the hair section.

Chemical peeling

It is applied with concentrated solutions of alpha and beta hydroxy acids for professional use. It is best to be done in late autumn and winter. The procedure can be repeated at specific intervals recommended by your doctor. Particularly in the two weeks following the procedure, it is essential to protect the skin from sunlight carefully and intensively.


Dimethylaminoethanol is one of the most potent lifting agents known. It is commonly applied in conjunction with other mesotherapy products, but it can also be used on its own. Repeating the procedure at 2-3 week intervals for 2-4 sessions is recommended for significant results.

Periocular mesotherapy

Periocular mesotherapy

The skin around the eyes is a special area due to its very thin skin and lack of intense muscle structures. This area is considered risky for the development of wrinkles and sagging skin. Therefore, solving problems in this area requires a slightly different approach. Several methods are available for treating the skin around the eyes (such as Botox and surgery), and one of these methods is mesotherapy. With this method, the elasticity loss in the skin around the eyes can be corrected, and it can also be used to treat fine wrinkles and lighten the skin tone. The intervals and the number of sessions can vary from patient to patient. Your doctor will plan and share the necessary details with you.

Innea Aqua Biological Lifting Injection

Innea Aqua Biological Lifting Injection

This product contains hyaluronic acid and a substance called trehalose. While hyaluronic acid provides moisture, firmness, and radiance to the skin, trehalose contributes to lifting effects. It is typically administered using a 6-point injection technique. The preferred approach, in terms of results, is to have 2 sessions with a 3-week interval. The treatment can be repeated after 8 months.

Thread Brow Lift Procedure

Thread Brow Lift Procedure

In addition to using botulinum toxin, dermal fillers, and surgical methods, there is an option to lift the brows using threads. Anesthesia is administered before the procedure, so there is no significant pain during the process. After the procedure, there are some precautions that the patient should take during a 2-week period, and the doctor will provide guidance on these matters.

Thread Nose Lift Procedure

Thread Nose Lift Procedure

In addition to using fillers and surgical methods for raising the tip of the nose, there is also the option of a thread nose lift procedure. If the patient does not need any correction on the nasal bridge and only requires lifting of the nose tip, threads can be a good choice for this purpose. Anesthesia is administered before the procedure, ensuring that the process is painless. After the procedure, patients should be cautious and follow specific guidelines for about 2 weeks, and their doctors will provide them with the necessary information.

Thread Face Lift and Lifting Procedure

Thread Face Lift and Lifting Procedure

Over time, the face can experience volume loss and changes in skin structure, resulting in sagging. The treatment for this condition can involve a combination of different approaches, including fillers, Botox, threads, and device applications, depending on the patient. Before a thread face lift, it’s essential to determine how many threads will be used and where they will pass. Anesthesia is administered, ensuring a painless procedure. The longevity of the results can vary depending on the types of threads used and the number of threads; some threads may last 1-1.5 years, while others may last 3-5 years. Patients will receive instructions from their doctors on what to be mindful of during the two weeks following the procedure.

Skin Treatments for Pigmentation


It is one of the methods that can be used in the treatment of pigmentation. It can be applied on its own or in combination with other methods. The intervals and the number of sessions may vary from patient to patient, but on average, sessions are performed at intervals of 2 weeks, with 2-4 sessions.

Enzymatic Peeling - Cosmelan and Dermamelan

After the procedure, the product needs to remain on the patient’s skin for about 10 hours. At the end of this period, the patient washes their face. After washing, there is noticeable redness on the face. Approximately 10-14 days after the procedure, significant peeling of the facial skin begins. The 3-4 weeks following the procedure are crucial, and during the total period of 4-6 months, it’s important for the patient to protect their skin from the sun significantly and use the maintenance cream in the evenings. The procedure can be repeated once a year as needed. It is safer to apply during the fall-winter season.


The PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma) procedure, which is mentioned in skin rejuvenation methods, can also be used for treating skin blemishes. The procedure is usually performed in 4 sessions with a 2-week interval between each session. If necessary, the procedure can be continued.

Acne Scar Treatments

Acne Scar Treatments: There are several methods for treating acne scars.

  1. Subcision: In this method, a cannula is used to free the area beneath the scars, aiming to lift them from the skin’s surface.
  2. PRP (Platelet-Rich Plasma): PRP can be used on its own or in combination with subcision and other techniques.
  3. Dermal Fillers: Injecting fillers into the depressed scar areas can help improve the appearance of indented scars.
  4. Microneedling with Radiofrequency: This procedure involves creating controlled heat beneath the skin in the scarred areas, stimulating collagen production and skin remodeling. It is typically done in the fall or winter.
  5. Medium to Deep Chemical Peels: Chemical peels with high concentration levels should only be performed by professionals, and they are suitable for the fall or winter season.
  6. Stem Cell Therapy: Just like in skin rejuvenation, stem cell therapy has shown successful results in treating acne scars.

Hair Treatments


Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) therapy revitalizes hair follicles due to its growth factors. It can be administered in sessions to rejuvenate thinning, shortened, and slow-growing hair. It contains nothing but the patient’s own serum, with no other substances.


Mesotherapy: These are cocktails containing minerals, amino acids, and vitamins necessary for nourishing the hair follicle, as well as for hair production and growth. They are administered to the dermis layer of the skin using a needle. Your doctor will inform you about the frequency and the number of sessions you need.


Exosome: Due to its rich content, it supports the processes of hair growth and development. The application is performed in the form of mesotherapy sessions. It is applied in session-based procedures.

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem Cell Therapy: Stem cell procedures have been gaining popularity in recent years. They have also shown promising results in addressing hair problems.

Other Treatments

Keloid and Scar Treatments

There are several treatment methods for keloids and scars. One of them is called intralesional steroid injection, which is performed within the scar tissue on a monthly basis. The second method is injecting Botox into the scar tissue. Another method involves surgically removing the scar tissue and then suturing it again. After this procedure, the use of silicone-containing bandages and applying pressure dressings for a specific period is essential. Following surgery, Botox injections can also be used to reduce tension at the wound edges.

Non-Surgical Nose Reduction

Some people may have a larger nasal tip compared to others. There are several reasons for this, including thicker skin in this area, a higher number of sebaceous glands with larger sizes and more functionality, and greater subcutaneous fat tissue thickness, among others. This method, which does not require surgery and consists of approximately three sessions at several weeks apart, involves injecting agents under the skin using a needle. These agents have both fat-reducing and collagen-hyaluronic acid-restructuring properties.

Champagne Mask

During the summer, the harmful effects of the sun can negatively impact both our skin and subcutaneous structures, leading to irregularities in skin tone. The Champagne Mask, with its high vitamin C content, helps to reduce fine lines on the skin and even out skin tone. Before the application, the skin is cleansed with a special cleanser. Then, the white powdery active substances from one of the ampoules, which is part of the product, are applied to the skin and, subsequently, an active vitamin C ampoule is applied. During this process, the products interact, foam, and generate a mild heat. After waiting for 3-5 minutes, the skin is cleaned again, and a special soothing cream from the product’s content is applied.

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Dr. Sabir Hasanbeyzade Dermatology, Laser, and Medical Aesthetics Clinic


Kızılırmak Mah, Dumlupınar Blv. 9A, YDA Center, A1 Entrance (Next to the Pharmacy) 8th Floor, Door No: 295-296  Çankaya/Ankara

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Son Güncelleme -Last Update- 30.10.2023

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